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Concerned Citizens of Manteno
PO Box 405
Manteno, IL 60950
Feel free to contact US Senator JD Vance and share your opinion peacefully and patriotically – make your voices heard (talking points below).
The Honorable U.S. Senator JD Vance – Gotion Inc. is a Foreign Entity of Concern that recently acquired 270 acres of land to build a EV Battery plant in Green Charter Twp. MI and recently in Manteno IL. The company is referenced on the Belt and Road Initiative portal from the Peoples Republic of China. I have attached a list of concerns for your review:
- FIRRMA requires a CIFIUS review for Foreign Entities of Concern involved with Critical Technologies. VW China Investment Co Ltd. acquired 26% ownership in 2020. Please verify a CIFIUS review was done for a Controlling Investment.
- FARA requires Foreign Agents to timely register with the DOJ. Filings appear to be late and incomplete. Some Agents appear unregistered. Please verify all Principal and Agent registrations.
- Critical Mineral rights identified by the Department of the Interior (Potash, Shale and Coal contain Lithium) should not be sold to CCP affiliated entities. Please verify mineral rights to the Borgen Bed Potash Reserve, Antrim Shale (MI) and Illinois Coal Basin and Shale have not been sold to a CCP affiliated firm.
- VW China Investment Co. LTD. and Guoxian HI-tech are listed as companies with supply chain exposure to Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Xinjiang). Please verify all related firms and subsidiaries are in compliance with Federal Law.
- Ferris State University receives Department of Defense Grants, Federal Student loan proceeds and other Federal Funds. The University has pledged to operate a EV Battery training program for this CCP affiliated firm. Please review this program for conflict of interest with the Department of Defense funding.
- The Right Place 501c(6) has received a $50 million Strategic Site Readiness Program Grant to act as an agent for Gotion Inc with land development. The Right Place received over $11 million from the US Treasury Department in 2021. Please review their tax exempt status, consider clawing back Federal Funds or taxing the $50 million as Unrelated Business Income.
- Please review this scheme for possible violations of the RICO Act and Civil Forfeiture of this property partially funded through grants of $175 million dollars from the State of MI Taxpayers.
- Please prevent any Foreign Entity of Concern from benefiting by the 45x Tax Credit.
- The parent co. in China, Hefei Guoxuan High-Tech Power Company, has formed a partnership with China Energine International Ltd. to provide materials and products to the Chinese Military. We should not be subsidizing the development of weapons systems that may be used against the United States Armed Forces and our Allies.
Thank you. Regards,
(your name)