To read Shannyn’s assessment after her visit with the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board in November of 2023, please click here.
From Shannyn Dockery of Manteno…

My name is Shannyn Dockery and some of you know that I raise Monarch Butterflies. My house is one of two Monarch Waystations listed in Manteno. I grow plants specifically for the Monarchs and other pollinators. Butterflies are very important to me and so are all animal and plant species. I spoke at the last Village meeting on Endangered and Threatened Species. Kankakee County has several in both cat-egories, all that will be even more jeopardized if Gotion comes to town.
This Friday I will be traveling to Springfield to speak at the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board. I will be informing the board about what is happening in Manteno. (Some are unaware of our town, let alone what the Governor, Mayor, and Village Board are trying to bring here.) I will inform the board of what materials Gotion will be using. And I will be reminding the board of the endangered and threatened species in Kankakee County.
The Kankakee Mallow plant and the Sheepnose Mussel should be a great concern for all. With Gotion using water from the Kankakee River, these two species will be in direct hit from Gotion. The Kanka-kee Mallow plant is only Native to the Langham Island and is only found on the island and one other place (due to people throwing seeds off the train in the early 1900’s). The Sheepnose Mussel is also found in the Kankakee River and cannot escape from the toxic chemicals that will be used to alter the return water that goes back into the Kankakee River.
I hope that this will bring more attention to what could happen in our beautiful town, river, county, and state. I know that not a lot can be done environmentally right now. But if Gotion breaks ground, we will be ready.
Till then!
Shannyn Dockery